我们是来帮助你的! 我们的资源为您提供职业探索工具, 实习, 服务学习经历, 网络提示, 研究生院信息, 还有求职技巧——实现职业目标所需要的一切.
就业中心的服务对象是所有十大赌博平台排行榜的学生和校友(不仅仅是高年级学生)!),而我们友善的学生发展处职员会随时为你提供帮助. 尽早和我们联系, as we are the first ones on campus to hear about 实习 and job openings that could be perfect for you.
记住,就业中心 不是 just a resource for seniors; KWU is committed to a four-year approach for every student. We take a comprehensive approach to career planning that starts your first semester on campus with the Wesleyan Experience and spans all four years of your time at the university. 职业服务 着眼于未来规划 从你踏上十大赌博平台排行榜校园的那一刻开始!
此服务适用于大学部学生, MBA学生和校友需要具体说明, 符合特定职业道路需求的情境视角. 职业发展会议可能包括:
- 大学专业及职业发展辅导
- 简历和求职信协助
- 专业陈述协助
- 参考资料查询协助
- Interviewing援助
- 网络帮助
- 工作见习、实习和体验式服务——学习援助
- 研究生院准备援助
Individual appointments are tailored to your situation and scheduled to meet the demands of your academic/professional schedule. One-on-one development is provided at the 职业服务 Center in the Albert Nelson Student Success Center in 纪念图书馆. 请和就业服务主任预约一下, 克劳德特汉弗莱.
简单地说,经验可以为你的简历增色. 雇主在招聘时会考虑很多因素:学术背景, 专业, 经历(包括工作), 实习和志愿者), Interviewing时的举止. 在今天的就业市场, 工作见习, 实习, 服务学习的机会, 或以前的工作提供的对你的职业目标至关重要. 你可透过本地或全国性的工作见习,了解中大如何提升你的经验水平, 实习, 或服务学习机会.
全年都有十大赌博平台排行榜职业相关主题的各种讲习班, 比如用餐礼仪, Interviewing, 网络, 以及简历和求职信的写作. 这些工作坊在大学校园内举行, as collaborative efforts with neighboring colleges and universities who welcome KWU to their campus workshops and events. Individual appointments can also be scheduled to review any of the workshop topics if the schedule of events does not meet your individual timeline. 职业发展工作坊包括:
十大赌博平台排行榜 provides mock interviews and professional critiques to help you become more comfortable in interview situations. Mock interviews are also available by appointment to guide you through the interview process and help you sharpen your skills for a professional interview.